A way out to retrieve multiple messages in a batch from an AWS queue.
#!/usr/bin/perl use Amazon::SQS::Simple; # module required for accesing Amazon SQS # Amazon AWS credentials my $access_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # Your AWS Access Key ID my $secret_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # Your AWS Secret Key my $sqs = new Amazon::SQS::Simple($access_key, $secret_key); # Create a SQS object providing the AWS credentials my $queue = $sqs->GetQueue("queue url"); # create an object for accessing an old queue while (1) # working in an infinite loop { my @msg = $queue->ReceiveMessage( MaxNumberOfMessages => 10 ); # get the messages into @msg array, here 10 messages are retrieved in a batch if ( !scalar(@msg) ) # will be true if no more messages are present in the queue { print "Probably no data in queue\n"; } foreach my $msg (@msg) # read one by one the messages from the @msg array { my $message = $msg->MessageBody(); # fetch the message body print "$message\n"; # displaying the message body on the screen $queue->DeleteMessage( $msg->ReceiptHandle() ); # delete the retrieved message from the queue, if required } } $queue->Delete(); # delete the AWS queue, if required
Output: ------- On running the Perl script from command line, it will output on the screen, all the messages reading from the AWS queue.