Thursday, February 1, 2018

Auto Posting a tweet along with an image to a Twitter handle via Oauth

In the following example we are using the Net::Twitter module to auto post a tweet along with an image into a twitter account via Oauth. 
Please remember to gather the twitter account consumer key, consumer secret and access token details from twitter developer account.


use Net::Twitter;

my $twitter_username = 'Provide here twitter account username'; # twitter account username
my $twitter_password = 'Provide here twitter account password'; # twitter account password

my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(
  traits          => ['API::RESTv1_1', 'OAuth'],
  consumer_key    => 'Provide here the twitter developer consumer key',
  consumer_secret => 'Provide here the twitter developer consumer secret',

my $image_file = '/tmp/flower.png'; # image to be posted in the twitter account
my $message = 'Hello Folks!!!'; # twit to be posted in the twitter account

my $access_token = 'Provide here the twitter app access token';
my $access_token_secret = 'Provide here the twitter app access token secret';

if ($access_token && $access_token_secret) {

my @filename;
@filename = ($image_file) if($image_file);

my $result;

if (scalar(@filename)) {
 $result = $nt->update_with_media({status=>$message,media=>\@filename});
 $result = $nt->update({status=>$message});

    unless ( $result->{id} ) {
        #print Dumper($result);
        print qq{Twitter posting unsuccessful\n};

    print qq{Twitter posting successful\n};


if ($@) {
    print qq{Twitter posting unsuccessful $@\n};

On running the Perl script from command line, it will post the specified image and message into the twitter account mentioned in the script.