The following example finds the greatest number amongst three given numbers, finds the greater number between two given numbers and also checks for the equality of two string values
#!/usr/bin/perl print "content-type: text/html \n\n"; $a=1; $b=2; $c=3; if($a > $b && $a > c) # executes if the expression is true { print "$a is greatest\n"; } elsif($b > $a && $b > $c) # executes if the expression is true { print "$b is greatest\n"; } elsif($a == $b && $a == $c) # executes if the expression is true { print "all are equal\n"; } else { print "$c is greatest\n"; } unless ($b <= $a) # executes if the expression is false { print "$b is greater than $a\n"; } $string_1="your name"; $string_2="yours name"; if($string_1 eq $string_2) # executes if the expression is true { print "both the strings are same\n"; } else { print "both the strings are not same\n"; }
Output: ------- 3 is greatest 2 is greater than 1 both the strings are not same
Numeric Comparison Operators: ----------------------------- == equal to != not equal to > greater than < lesser than >= greater or equal to <= lesser or equal to
String/ Character Comparison Operators: ----------------------------- eq => equal to ne => not equal to gt => greater than lt => lesser than