Using map and grep in Perl
map and grep are very useful functions in Perl, they help to reduce longer lines of
codes in a script.
map function evaluates a block of code on each element of a given list and returns
the result of each such evaluation.
grep function evaluates an expression on each element of a given list and returns
those elements for which the expression evaluated to true.
print "content-type: text/html \n\n";
@cities = ("Kolkata","Mumbai","Hydrebad","Kohima","Delhi");
%cities_hash = map {$_ => 1} @cities; # storing the list of cities from @cities array in a new hash, $_ here represents individual element in @cities array
foreach $city (keys%cities_hash) {
print "$city\n";
@cities_with_k = grep {/^k/i} @cities; # filtering cities starting with k and storing them in a new array
print "Cities starting with K: @cities_with_k\n";
Cities starting with K: Kolkata Kohima